Engineering Sciences

The improved cyclic resistance of bio-treated sands with various gradations for liquefaction mitigation: Density increase and/or cementation?

Published on - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Authors: Tong Yu, Jean-Marie Fleureau, Hanène Souli, Xiangming Kong

MICP (microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation) method shows a huge potential in solving geological and geo-environmental engineering problems, such as liquefaction mitigation, soil remediation, erosion control, slope stabilization and dust control., due to its low-carbon, sustainable and undisturbing character. For the liquefaction mitigation, previous studies showed the remarkable enhancement in cyclic behavior of bio-cemented soils. Little attention has been paid to how soil gradation affects the effectiveness of MICP method in enhancing soil properties, which is one of the key factors of soil mechanical behavior. MICP method has been mainly used in fine sands (mostly