

The LMPS is attached to two teaching and research departments (DER) of ENS Paris-Saclay and one department of CentraleSupélec in the field of engineering science.

Teaching and Research Department Mechanical Engineering (GM)

The training in the Department of Education and Research in Mechanical Engineering is a training in engineering sciences; its main objectives are to provide :

  • a high level scientific culture in mechanics and mechanical engineering,
  • a technological culture oriented towards current industrial challenges in design and manufacturing.

This dual culture allows the department's students to move, depending on their personal project, towards teaching, higher education and research or towards careers in the research and development departments of major industrial groups.



Department of Education and Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering (DER GCE)

The Department of Education and Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering offers scientific training for higher education and research in subjects relating to materials, structures and works, buildings, energy and the environment. Theoretical and technological courses are consolidated by practical application on real benches or simulation tools.


Department of Education and Research (DER MEP)
