Engineering Sciences

Threshold of Saturation Degree of Unsaturated Sand to Cause Liquefaction Considering the Sample Volumetric Strain: Modelization and Experimental Laboratory Investigation

Published on - Journal of Earthquake Engineering

Authors: K. Tran, Y. Shamas, W. Huang, S. Imanzadeh, S. Taibi, Jean-Marie Fleureau, M. Hattab, Hanène Souli, E. Rivoalen

This paper aims to determine a non-liquefiable domain corresponding to the threshold of saturation degree where liquefaction does not occur under cyclic loading. To determine this threshold, sample volumetric strain at liquefaction state of unsaturated soil was modeled considering the suction. In low saturation degree zones, capillary suction is taken into account. In a high saturation degree zone, spherical suction caused by surface tension of air bubbles is considered by using its microscopic analysis and its equivalent size. Finally, three series of experimental tests have been made to give the data and verify the presented model.