Instrumentation and Detectors

How the EU project "Online Microstructure Analytics" advances inline sensing of microstructure during steel manufacturing

Published on - European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT)

Authors: Frenk van den Berg, Maxim Aarnts, Haibing Yang, Stefan Melzer, Danique Fintelman, Bernard Ennis, Lena Gillgren, Denis Jorge-Badiola, Ane Martínez-De-Guerenu, Claire Davis, Graeme West, Lei Zhou, Mohsen Jolfaei, Anthony J. Peyton, John W. Wilson, Arno Volker, Quincy Martina, Arno Duijster, Mikael Malmström, Anton Jansson, Bevis Hutchinson, Claudio Mocci, Marco Vannucci, Valentina Colla, Christophe Reboud, Anastassios Skarlatos, Roberto Miorelli, Patrick Lombard, Olivier Hubert, Julien Taurines, Inna Lobanova, Stéphane Despréaux, Stéphane Labbé, Carola Celada-Casero

Weight savings in mobility and transport are mandatory in order to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption. The steel industry offers weight saving solutions by a growing portfolio of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS) products. AHSS owe their strength to their largely refined and complex microstructures, containing multiple metallurgical phases. Optimal control of the thermo-mechanical processing of AHSS requires inline sensors for real-time monitoring of evolution and consistency of microstructure and material properties. To coordinate and accelerate European development activities in this domain, the project "Online Microstructure Analytics (OMA)" was established in 2019, constituting of a consortium of 14 specialised research organisations. The EU-funded OMA project,