Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Office 1S21
Research activities
- Multi-level optimisation / Multidisciplinary optimisation
- Multiparametric strategy based on the non-incremental LATIN method
- Multi-level optimisation of models
- Metamodels: Kriging, Radial Basis Function, cumulative interpolation
- Numerical design of experiments
- Coupling multiparametric strategy and metamodels
- Partial convergence
- Application to structural assemblies with frictional contact
- ANR OMD Project: Multidisciplinary Optimisation
- ANR OMD2 Project ( omd2.scilab.org): Distributed Multidisciplinary Optimisation
Teaching activities
Senior lecturer at ENS Cachan
1st year Saphire (ENS Cachan)
- Modelling of multi-technology systems
- Computer-aided design of mechanisms
- Multidisciplinary project
Year M1 of the MIS master's degree (ENS Cachan / UPMC)
- Functional design of mechanical systems
- Dimensioning and behaviour of composites
Preparation for the Agrégation in Mechanics (ENS Cachan)
- Preparation for the Industry Dossier exam
Year M1 of the International Master's programme (ENSAM Paris)
- Computer Aided Design
- Mechanical Sizing and Design
Lecturer at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (part-time)
- Responsible for the CAD/CAM module with Catia
- Design of a tennis racket in composite materials
- Design seminar: Design and manufacture of a glider
- Vice-President of the DUT/BTS entrance examination at ENS Cachan
- Director of the AIP-PRIMECA Ile de France cluster from 2004 to 2006 (Ecole Centrale Paris, ENSAM Paris, ENS Cachan, SUPMECA St Ouen)
- Head of the Training Committee of the Groupement Francophone des Utilisateurs de Catia (GFUC) (French-speaking group of Catia users)
- Member of the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO)