Place CentraleSupélec - Bâtiment Eiffel - Bureau MC.206
STAN team
Guillaume PUEL
University Professor
Status: Teacher-researcher
Research activities
- Inverse problems, multi-scale identification
- Periodic and stochastic homogenisation in time
- Advanced vibration modelling
Teaching activities
CentraleSupélec engineering curriculum
- Course leader for Continuum Mechanics
- Course leader for Dynamics of Undeformable Solids
- Co-responsible for the Medical Robotics thematic sequence
- Course leader for Simulation of Multiphysics Couplings with FEM
- Responsible for the Bridge Building Challenge experimental course
- Lecturer in the Computational Solid Mechanics course
Master (MS)2SC
- Course leader for Inverse Problems and Identification
Collective responsibilities
- Head of joint and elective courses in the Programmes Department (2021-2023)
- Director of the Mechanics and Civil Engineering Department (2015-2021)
- Deputy Director of Studies, responsible for the Centrale engineering curriculum (2016-2020)
- Head of the DSMSC master's degree, then of the (MS)2SC master's degree (2014-2016)
- Deputy Head of the 3rd year Mechanics-Aeronautics-Space option in the engineering curriculum (2009-2015)
- Responsible for coordinating all experimental teaching in the engineering curriculum (2007-2015)
- Elected member of the CSMA Board of Directors (2013-2022)
- Coordinator of the Characterisation and Multiscale Modelling of Materials theme, MSSMat laboratory (2013-2015)
- Member appointed to CNU section 60, substitute (2011-2014)
- Guillaume Puel and Ann-Lenaig Hamon, Mécanique pour l'ingénieur: milieux continu solides, fluides, solides indéformables, structures, Dunod, 2021.
Unnecessary figures (as at 13 October 2023)
different courses taught
examination papers designed
written letters of recommendation (for 65 students)
pages of handouts written (9 handouts)
student applications analysed (applications for M1 MIT, M2 (MS)2SC, academic exchanges)
marked copies (engineering and masters courses)
hours of meetings in the Research Department
e-mails exchanged within the Research Department