Olivier HUBERT ©Crédits photo : Francis Rhodes

Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Office MV20


Olivier HUBERT

University Professor

Head of the COMMET team

Status: Teacher-researcher

Research activities

The main thrust of my research activity is the development of behaviour models for phase change media, either thermo-mechanically-chemically induced, as in the case of shape memory alloys (SMAs), or electro-magnetically-mechanically induced, as in the case of ferro/ferri-magnetic and/or ferroelectric materials. The aim is to set up experimental methods for identifying and validating mechanisms (deformation measurements, magnetic measurements, X-ray phase change monitoring) under thermal and/or multiaxial mechanical loading, and to develop modelling tools based essentially on scale change methods (homogenisation, finite elements).

Teaching activities

I am (or have been) responsible for a number of courses and the associated teaching teams (in particular the first-year continuous media course, the M1 mechanics and materials course and the advanced experimental techniques and multiphysics couplings course in M2).

Modules taught on a recurrent basis (normal PR load):

  • Continuous media, conservation laws, behaviour laws Lectures and tutorials, 1A ENS SAPHIRE
  • Materials science’ M1 course.
  • Mechanics of materials’ Course M1.
  • Advanced material models’ Course M1.
  • Advanced experimental methods’ Course in English, M2 MAGIS.
  • Algorithmic modelling of multi-physics problems’ M2 MAGIS courses and practical exercises

Collective responsibilities  

  • Head of the SMEMaG doctoral school (ED579) (Mechanical Sciences, Energetics, Materials and Geosciences) at the University of Paris-Saclay (approximately 300 doctoral students).
  • Head of the ‘Solids, Structures and Materials’ division (approximately 120 doctoral students)
  • Member of the board of the SIS Graduate School (Systems Science and Engineering)
  • HDR advisor for the field of Mechanics of solids and materials at Université Paris-Saclay
  • Member of the doctoral college of Université Paris-Saclay
  • Member of the LABEX - LASIPS office
