Place ENS Paris-Saclay, Amphithéâtre Lagrange (1Z14)
Members of the Jury
- Mr Eric Florentin University Professor, INSA Centre Val de Loire, LaMé - Rapporteur
- Mr Gaël Chevallier University Professor, University of Franche-Comté, FEMTO-ST - Rapporteur
- Mr Jean-Luc Dion University Professor, ISAE-Supméca Paris, Laboratoire Quartz - Examiner
- Ms. Mathilde Chevreuil Senior Lecturer, University of Nantes, GeM - Examiner
- Mr. François Louf Maître de Conférences HDR, ENS Paris-Saclay, LMPS - Thesis Director
- Mr. Pierre-Alain Boucard University Professor, ENS Paris-Saclay, LMPS - Thesis co-director
- Mr. Franck Dadié Engineer, SNCF Réseau - Industrial supervisor
- Mr. Gilles Saussine Doctor, SNCF Réseau - Industrial co-supervisor
- Mr. Emmanel Laurans Engineer, SNCF Réseau - Industrial co-supervisor