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Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Room 1Z28

Thesis & HDR defense

HDR defence : Cuong HA-MINH

Senior lecturer in the MILA team

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Mechanical behavior of woven fabrics and laminated composites: Simulation, Modeling et Validation

In this manuscript, a scientific research strategy was presented for the study of the mechanical behavior of dry fabrics and laminates widely used in various industries.

The originality of this research approach lies in the essential use of appropriate numerical analyses in dialogue with selective experimental data to properly characterize, quantify, and predict physical mechanisms at different scales: micro-meso-macroscopic. Scale transitions and local/global approaches as well as numerical techniques have been also studied and developed to optimize prediction.

The experimental data was collected either directly from the literature or through original specific tests designed and performed under our supervision to identify models and validate numerical results.
Based on the numerical/experimental results, theoretical models can be proposed and developed to achieve real-time prediction with any universal computing tool such as Matlab or Scilab.

Finally, given the importance of numerical tools in facing major challenges related to various complexities, an alternative approach is to propose and develop effective smart numerical tools focused on searching for quantities of interest, relying on advanced approaches such as Constitutive Relation Error (CRE), model reduction with Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD), the delayed damage model as well as identification approaches based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC).

The jury will be composed of the following members:

  • Bahlouli, Nadia, Professor, University of Strasbourg (Rapporteur & Examiner)
  • Hamila, Nahiene, Professor, École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (Rapporteur & Examiner)
  • Camanho, Pedro, Professor, University of Porto (Rapporteur & Examiner)
  • Iordanoff, Ivan, Professor, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (Examiner)
  • Caron, Jean-François, Research Director, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Examiner)
  • Neron, David, Professor, ENS Paris-Saclay (Examiner)