Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Bâtiment Nord - 1S15
Maître de conférences
Membre du Comité de Pilotage du Centre de Simulation (CdS)
Status: Teacher-researcher
Research activities
Research topics
- Fatigue cracking and fracture
- Initiation and propagation of short fatigue cracks in polycrystals
Thesis co-supervision
- Filipe Da Rocha Chaves (2022, ongoing) Incremental approach to fretting-fatigue, experimental study under complex conditions
- Naansonou-Patrick Laré (2022, ongoing). Non-local approach to fretting fatigue, modelling contact behaviour under complex conditions
- Roxane Taleb (2020, ongoing) Multiaxial vibratory and combined fatigue cracking of titanium and Inconel alloys
- Besnik Sadriji (defended 25 May 2022, confidential until 25 May 2027) Analysis and characterisation of damage phenomena induced by maintenance or in-service surface defects
- Bhimal Bholah (defended on 18 March 2021). Unified criterion for fatigue endurance modelling under combined static and vibratory loading
- Guillaume Rousseau (defended on 20 October 2020) Modelling fretting-fatigue life under variable amplitude loading
- Walid Tezeghdanti (defended on 26 February 2019) Model reduction strategy applied to a cracking problem in an anisotropic medium: application to the modelling of crystalline plasticity
- François Brugier (defended on 4 July 2017) Condensed plasticity model for cracking and the influence of stress T
Teaching activities
ENS Paris-Saclay, 2013-present
- Saph-103 : Continuous media, conservation laws and applications - L3 SAPHIRE (CM & TD)
- Saph-104 : Python computer project - L3 SAPHIRE (TD & TP)
- Saph-112 : Study of discontinuous media - L3 SAPHIRE (TD & BE)
- Saph-212 : Solid modelling - L3 SAPHIRE (CM, TD & TP)
- MSX01: Mechanics of Solid and Fluid Continuous Media - M1 MIP-MMS (TD)
- A12-TC: Fluid Mechanics - M2 FESup (TD)
- A12-TC: Fluid Mechanics - Preparation of teaching sequence - M2 FESup
- B12-ES: RoM - Preparing teaching sequences in higher education - M2 FESup
- B21-TC & B22-TC: Industrial files - Supervision - M2 FESup
- NSM28 : Fracture Mechanics - M2 MAGIS (practical work)
- NSM30 : Heterogeneous media - M2 MAGIS (CM, TD & TP)
- NSM35: Algorithmic modelling of multi-physics problems - M2 MAGIS (practical work)
Université Paris-Saclay, 2019-present
- IMMC: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics - M2 CHPS (CM, TD & TP)
INSTN 2016-2017
MMH: Multiphysics and Homogenisation Modelling - M2 SGM MavInov (practical work)
- Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Mécamat association
- Manager and moderator of the Mécamat association mailing list
- Sustainable Development Coordinator at LMPS