Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Office MV55

Equipe STAN


Emeritus University Professor

Status: Teacher-researcher

Research activities

P. Ladeveze is active in two domains: computational mechanics and the material modeling of composites. He was the initiator of the LATIN method and of the Proper Generalized Decomposition technique, which have paved the way to new high-performance computational strategies. He is also considered as one of the pioneers of model verification and validation using the Constitutive Relation Error method and associated equilibration techniques, which have led to guaranteed error bounds, not only for linear problems, but also for viscoplasticity problems, even in dynamics. His name is also associated with an advanced damage material model for laminated composites. Recently, he introduced the Variational Theory of Complex Rays, a new and promising computational approach to medium-frequency and high-frequency phenomena, which he is continuing to develop as a Weak-Trefftz Discontinuous Galerkin method. He has co-authored 263 papers which have been published in international scientific journals. He is also a member of the advisory editorial boards of 16 international scientific journals. His scientific research activities revolve around four main topics:

  •     Model verification, validation and updating: error estimators and adaptive improvements for linear as well as time-dependent nonlinear finite element analysis; modeling error and identification; lack-of-knowledge theory; data-driven modeling
  •     Modeling and analysis of composite materials and structures
  •     Mechanics-based computational strategies for nonlinear problems (the LATIN-PGD method): multiscale strategies and parallel computing
  •     Simplified computational methods: exact beam and plate theories; variational theory of complex rays for medium-frequency vibrations.

These problems belong primarily in the mechanical domain, but also expand into the fields of applied mathematics and materials science. Even though this work devotes much attention to the fundamental research aspects, a considerable amount of this research work, including the development of prototype software programs, is conducted in close collaboration with industry, especially the space and aeronautics industries. The practical problems treated are related to the design and the sizing process , and the reliability of the product being designed or built, and can even involve the manufacturing process used for its construction.


  • PGD-reduced model: the key to the virtual testing of composites. 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC9), Madrid (Spain), 6-10 July 2015, plenary .
  • Reduced Models in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: State-of-the-Art and Challenges. Israel Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM39), Haifa (Israel), November 12-13, 2015, plenary.
  • Reduced Order Models in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: State-of-the-Art and Challenges. Sandia National Laboratories, June 16, 2016, Albuquerque (USA), plenary.
  • Extended-PGD model reduction for nonlinear solid mechanics problems involving many parameters. COMPLAS2017, September 5-7, 2017, Barcelona (Spain), plenary.
  • Multiscale modeling an design of laminated composites: state-of-the-art and challenges. 20th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS20), September 4-7, 2017, Paris (France), plenary opening.
  • Wave-based computational approaches for acoustics, vibrations and transient dynamics, 9eme Conference Europeenne sur les methodes Numeriques en Electromagnetisme( NUMELEC),Paris,November 15-17 2017,plenary
  • Model Order Reduction in high-dimensional parameter space,13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics(WCCM 2018),New York,July 22-27,semi-plenary
  • Model Order Reduction for Nonlinear Problems involving complex time-varying loadings ,in ECCOMAS Workshop MORTech 2019,Paris November 20-22 2019 , plenary
  • Recherche et futur de la modelisation/simulation en Mecanique,in Les rencontres de la Mecanique Numerique -EDF,18 octobre 2019
  • A time-multiscale model order reduction methodin nonlinear solid mechanics,in Workshop Algoritms for Dimension and Complexity Reduction Brown University (ICERM) March 21-28 2020
  • A physics-compatible approach to data-driven computation solid mechanics,in ECCOMAS Workshop MSF 2021,June30-July2 2021,Split (Croatia) Distinguished Lecture
  •  A physics-compatible approach to data-driven computation solid mechanics ,in Int Conf on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2021), Barcelona (Spain), 1-3 September 2021, Plenary lecture.
  • A general non-invasive PGD reduction method in NONlinear Computational Solid Mechanics, inECCOMAS Int.Conf. on MultiscaleComputation Methods for Solids and Fluids,25-27 June 2023,Sarajevo (Bosnia-H.) Distinguished Lecture
  • Model Order Reduction in Computational Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: a general weakly-invasive PGD version , in Int Conf on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2021), Barcelona (Spain), 5-7 September 2023, Plenary lecture.
  • Model Order Reduction in Computational Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: a general weakly-invasive PGD version ,in MORTech 23 6th Int. Workshop on Model Reduction Techniques,22-24 November 2023, Paris (France),Plenary lecture.


  • (Since 1987) International Journal of Composite Science and Technology
  • (Since 1991) International Journal for Engineering Computations
  • (1991-2012) European Journal of Computational Mechanics
  • (1991-2000) SMAI Springeres collection of publications on eMathematics and Applicationse
  • (Since 1993) Co-Director (with P. Germain) of the collection etudes en Mecanique des Materiaux et des Structures (Studies in the Mechanics of Materials and Structures), Hermes
  • (1995-1999) International Journal on Inverse Problems in Engineering
  • (1996-2008) International Journal of Oil and Gas Science and Technology.
  • (Since 1998) International Journal on Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
  • (Since 1998) Material Sciences Foundation
  • (Since 1999) International Journal Computer and Structures
  • (Since 1999) International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering
  • ( 2000-2015) Mechanics & Industry
  • ( 2001-2015) Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
  • ( 2006-2015) International Journal of Damage Mechanics
  • (Since 2009) Lecture Notes in Numerical Methods in Engineering and Sciences
  • (Since 2009) Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
  • (Since 2010) ISRN Mechanical Engineering
  • (Since 2012) International Journal on Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Sciences
  • ( 2012-2016) International Journal on Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science


  • (From 2013) International Journal on Advanced Modelling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences (open-access Springer Journal, indexed)
  • Associated Editors: F. Chinesta,R.Codino, E.Cueto, A. Corrigliano, R.Ghanem, J. Schroeder, K.Terada


  • Scientific Committee, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) (2006-2010)
  • IACM Executive Committee (2009-2016)
  • IUTAM Congress Committee (2008-2012)
  • IUTAM/IACM Working Party eComputational Fluid and Solid Mechanicse (President) (2006-2012)
  • Managing Committee, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)(2010-2017)
  • National Scientific Committee, the French Aeronautics and Space Foundation (2006-2010)
  • General Council,IACM
  • Scientific Committee, ONERA (1998-2005)
  • Expert on behalf of the Scientific Committee of Institut Franeais du Petrole (1998-2005)


  • 1986-1991 Founder and Head of the national Center of Excellence"Computational Structural Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence" grouping 21 research university teams and 30 industrial teams which has become the Association CSMA ,part of IACM.
  • 1980-1984 and 1996-2005 Director of LMT-Cachan ,a body of approximately 120 researchers(including 70 doctoral candidates)an 26 visiting researchers ( now LMPS)




  • Workshop Reduced Basis,POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques (P.Ladeveze-F. Chinesta)-November 4-6 2015-Cachan (France)-ECCOMAS/IACM
  • Workshop Reduced Basis,POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques (T.Chacon-F. Chinesta-P. Ladeveze)-November 8-10 2017-Seville(Spain)-ECCOMAS/IACM
  • Workshop Reduced Basis,POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques (P. Ladeveze-D. Neron-F. Chinesta)-November 20-22 2019-Paris (France)-ECCOMAS/IACM
  • 2rd Int.Workshop on Data-based Engineering Science an Technology (F.Chinesta-E. Cueto-P. Ladeveze-D. Large), March 20-22 2019,Paris (France)
  • IUTAM Symposium on Data-drven Mechanics ( F.Chinesta-B. Klusemann-J. Michopoulos-E; Cueto-P. Ladeveze-M.Ortiz-WK Liu)-October26-28 2022-Paris (France)
  • 6th Int. Workshop on Model Reduction Techniques( D. Neron-P. Ladeveze-F. Chinesta) 22-24 November 2023, Paris (France)-ECCOMAS/IACM


  • (1987) Poncelet Prize of the French Academie des Sciences for his work on structural instability under large deformations
  • (1985, 2002) Palmes Academiques (chevalier, officier)
  • (1991) Professor ede Classe Exceptionnellee (of exceptional status)
  • (2000) Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, for his work on model verification and validation
  • (2002) Fellow of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM)
  • (2004) IACM Computational Mechanics Award
  • (2004) International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) Sectional Lecturer
  • (2008) World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) Plenary Lecturer
  • (2006-2011) EADS Foundation Chair Advanced Computational Structural Mechanicse (first EADS Chair,now AIRBUS )
  • (2012) Foreigner member of Accademia Galileiana
  • (2015) EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Prize
  • (2016) Ordre national de la Legion d'Honneur (Chevalier)
  • (2018) Gauss-Newton medal (highest medal given by IACM)

