Pierre-Alain GUIDAULT

Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Office 1S18

Equipe STAN

Pierre-Alain GUIDAULT

Senior lecturer with HDR

Head of the Integrated Development of High-Performance Numerical Algorithms and Methods Research Operation (OR1)

Status: Teacher-researcher

Research activities


Multi-scale modelling and calculation using domain decomposition methods (DDM)

  • Surface or volume interface coupling of continuous, heterogeneous or atomistic models (Safran Tech coll.)Keywords: Lagrange multiplier, Harlequin method, MLS, non-intrusive local-global analysis, MATLAB, Z-set
  • Analysis of large stiffened structures in large displacements (coll. EADS IW) Keywords: DDM with nonlinear condensation, BDD-C, plate model, MATLAB
  • Model reduction in non-linear mechanics (ANR SIM-DREAM, coll. IFP Energies Nouvelles) Keywords: PGD, reduced basis, hyper-reduction techniques (RPM, EIM), ROM in homogenisation, LaTIn method, friction contact, MATLAB
  • Crack propagation with or without friction contact (coll. Dassault Aviation) Keywords: LaTIn mixed DDM, augmented Lagrangian, X-FEM, level-set, MATLAB
  • Optimisation of structural details using a multi-resolution strategy (ANR OMD) Keywords: LaTIn mixed DDM, structural zoom, X-FEM, meta-model, friction contact, MATLAB

Modelling interfaces and localised interactions in assemblies

  • Simplified bolted connection model (FUI CARAB, SAE coll., SafranTech) Keywords: friction contact, plasticity, preload, user element, explicit dynamics, SAMCEF, ABAQUS, MATLAB
  • Simplified model of friction contact in monotor spiral cables (coll. IFP Energies nouvelles, RTE) Key words: beam-beam contact, large rotations, small slippages, user element, ABAQUS, MATLAB
  • Simplified model of an electrical welding point (coll. PSA Group) Key words: reduced base, user element, super-element, fatigue, ABAQUS, MATLAB, Cast3M
  • Modelling the macroscopic behaviour of sandwich composite cores made of folded Nomex paper (European CELPACT project) Keywords: geometric defects due to the folding process, plate model, damage, ABAQUS, Cast3M

Teaching activities

Since 2006 at the Mechanical Engineering Teaching and Research Department of ENS Paris-Saclay

  • M2 Modelling and Simulation in Mechanics of Coupled Structures and Systems (M2 MS2SC) : Multiscale calculation strategies using domain decomposition methods (course, project, in English)
  • M2 Electrification and Automobile Propulsion (M2 EPA) : Dimensioning mechanical components (planetary gearboxes, clutches) (course, TD) in M2 Electrification and Automotive Powertrain
  • M2 Higher Education in Mechanics (M2 FESup)  
  1. Analysis of multi-technical systems with a focus on mechanics (practical work) in M2 Higher Education in Mechanics
  2. Design project for a practical work activity
  3. Industrial project management in M2 Higher education in mechanics
  • Continuing education for mechanical engineers (FIPMéca)
  • Strength of materials (courses, TD, TP)
  • MOOC PDM in strength of materials on FUN (Part 1 and Part 2)


  • Since 2022: Head of the Research Operation ‘Integrated development of high-performance algorithms and numerical methods’ at the LMPS
  • 2019-2022: Head of the LMT ‘Modelling and calculation by domain decomposition’ Thematic Research Unit
  • Since 2006: Head of the Mechatronic Systems Design teaching laboratory in the Mechanical Engineering teaching and research department at ENS Paris-Saclay.
  • Responsible for the SCoFiElDD (Structure Computation by Finite Elements and Domain Decomposition) research code in Matlab and version tracking with GIT
