Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Bâtiment Nord - 1S18
Equipe STAN
Chargé de recherche
Status: Researcher
CNRS tenure-track faculty (chargé de recherche) since January 2022.
Current Research Interests
In short:
- Mathematical modeling & simulation for problems in solid dynamics, fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interactions
In full:
- Novel high-order numerical methods/solvers for parabolic & hyperbolic partial differential equations
- Mechanics-based linear/non-linear wave-like & diffusion-like phenomena
- High-performance scientific computing
- Mathematical physiology, computational hemodynamics
- Computational seismology/geophysics (earthquakes, tsunamis)
- Ultrasonic wave propagation for non-destructive testing
- Physics-based AI for structural mechanics, cardiovascular analysis
- Physiological/medical signal processing
Current Editorial Activities
- Lead guest editor (special issue on Fourier-based PDE methods) for SpringerOpen's Advanced Modeling & Simulation in Engineering Sciences (since 2023)
Current Responsibilities
- Elected member of the Conseil Scientifique ("scientific advisory council") of ENS Paris-Saclay (since 2023)
Current Teaching Activities
- Mathematical modeling & linear wave theory for geophysical coastal processes (L3/undergrad, M1/masters) @ CentraleSupélec of Paris-Saclay University (since 2023)