Place ENS Paris-Saclay - Office MV15
STAN team
University Professor
Head of research operation Parametric and stochastic problems and optimisation
Status: Teacher-researcher
Research activities
Computational strategies for high performance computing :
- Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD)
- Model reduction, approaches for parametrized problems
- Nonincremental strategy LATIN
- Time and space multiscale methods
- Multiphysics, coupled problems
- Domain decomposition, parallelism
- Nonlinear behavior, contact
Examples of applications :
- Fluid-structure interaction in porous media (coll. University of Padova, Italy)
- Virtual testing of the joints of Ariane 5 space launcher (project funded by CNES, coll. EADS-ASTRIUM-ST)
- Taking account of variability in engine blades (MAIA/SAFRAN project funded by ANR)
- Optimization of the geometry of car devices (OMD2/RENAULT project funded by ANR)
- Taking account of variability in fatigue simulations (APPROFI/SAFRAN project funded by ANR)
- New solutions of damping in Ariane 6 space launcher (ARIAN/AIRBUS-DS project funded by ANR)
- Simulation of fretting-fatigue (COGNAC project funded by SAFRAN)
- Model reduction for the simulation of damage in earthquake engineering (project funded by ANR and IRSN)
- Transfer of high-performance model reduction techniques to an industrial finite element code (project funded by SIEMENS)
Teaching activities
Teaching activities at the Mechanical Engineering Department of ENS Paris-Saclay
- Numerical methods for PDEs
- Continuous solid and fluid mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Model reduction for PDEs and data
Since 2015, Head of the Master 2 Research (MS)2SC (ENS Paris-Saclay / CentraleSupélec)
- Since 2020, Director of the Graduate School for Research and Higher Education of Université Paris-Saclay
- 2020-2024, President of CSMA (the French Computational Structural Mechanics Association)
- Since 2020, Co-Head with Prof U. Nackenhorst of the International Research and Training Group CoMeTeN (IRTG Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions), a common group ENS Paris-Saclay/University of Hannover
- 2015-2020, Vice-President of CSMA (the French Computational Structural Mechanics Association)
- 2015-2021, Deputy Director of LMT, CNRS UMR 8535
- 2015-2021, Manager of the Structures and Systems sector of LMT
- 2015-2021, Leader of the Model reduction and dynamics team of LMT
Member of the organizing committee of congresses, including:
- Co-Chairman of the World Congress of Computational Mechanics / ECCOMAS Congress, Paris, 2021 (digital edition, due to the covid pandemic)
- Special International Workshop Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures, MUMO, Dubrovnik, Croatie, 2016
- International Workshop Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques, Cachan, 2015
- International Workshop Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques, Cachan, 2015
- International Workshop Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques: a Breakthrough in Computational Engineering?, Cachan, 2011
- European Conference of Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2010, Paris, 2010
- Neuvieme Congres de Calcul des Structures, Giens, 2009
- Challenges in Computational Mechanics, Cachan, 2006
- Multiscale Computational Mechanics for Material and Structures, Cachan, 2002