Research activities
- Taking account of damping in the non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete structures: Identification and Modelling.
Teaching activities
Lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department at ENS Paris-Saclay (2018-2021)
then Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (2021-....) :
- TD in heat transfer (Master 1)
- Practical work on vibrations (Master 1)
- Practical work on the mechanics of continuous media (SAPHIRE - L3)
- TD and TP in reinforced concrete (SAPHIRE - L3)
- Lectures on concrete materials (SAPHIRE - L3)
- Practical work on the behaviour of materials (SAPHIRE - L3)
- Practical work on computer science (SAPHIRE - L3)
- Course presentations (Master 1 - Master 2 FESup - Master 2)
- Practical work in preparation for the agrégation (Master 2 FESup)