Engineering Sciences

Transport Map Coupling Filter for State-Parameter Estimation

Publié le - Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security

Auteurs : Jan Grashorn, Matteo Broggi, Ludovic Chamoin, Michael Beer

Many dynamical systems are subjected to stochastic influences, such as random excitations, noise, and unmodeled behavior. Tracking the system's state and parameters based on a physical model is a common task for which filtering algorithms, such as Kalman filters and their non-linear extensions, are typically used. However, many of these filters use assumptions on the transition probabilities or the covariance model, which can lead to inaccuracies in non-linear systems. We will show the application of a stochastic coupling filter that can approximate arbitrary transition densities under non-Gaussian noise. The filter is based on transport maps, which couple the approximation densities to a user-chosen reference density, allowing for straightforward sampling and evaluation of probabilities.