Engineering Sciences
Influence de défauts de fabrication sur le comportement endommageable de tubes CVI-SiC/SiC élaborés par enroulement filamentaire sous sollicitation de traction cyclée
Publié le - Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC23)
SiC/SiC composites are attractive candidates for fuel cladding applications in pressurized light-water reactors. In this study, fuel cladding tubes were manufactured by filament winding, and the matrix was deposited by CVI process (Chemical Vapour Infiltration). This article examines the influence of core and surface defects on the damage behavior of the tubes. Cyclic tension-compression tests are then carried out. Analysis of the unloading-reloading cycles shows that internal slip and damage in the tensile direction do not depend on the seal coat thickness but on the core layers. Damage in the shear plane strongly depends on the thickness of the inner seal coat layer.