
A University of Paris Saclay, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay and CNRS laboratory
On January 1, 2022 on the Saclay plateau, a new laboratory was born from the merger of the LMT and the MSSMat. It is the LMPS: Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay (UMR 9026, Université Paris-Saclay/CentraleSupélec/ENS Paris-Saclay/CNRS, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France).
Located on the sites of ENS Paris-Saclay and Centrale Supélec, the management of the LMPS is composed of the director Pierre-Alain BOUCARD and the assistant director Véronique AUBIN.

Research at the LMPS
The vocation
The vocation of the LMPS is research on all facets of solid mechanics:
- Mechanics of materials and structures
- Civil engineering
- Fine experimentation
- High performance numerical modeling
Societal challenges
- Clean, safe and efficient energy
- Sober resource management and adaptation to climate change
- Sustainable transport and urban systems
- Reliability of complex systems
- Industrial renewal.
- Safe societies - protecting the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens.
These challenges are largely carried out in relation to the industrial world and concern many sectors of activity: aeronautics, space, defense, automotive, civil engineering, nuclear engineering and the environment.
History of the LMPS
The LMPS is the result of the close collaboration and merger of the LMT and MSSMat laboratories.

Originally created in 1975 under the name LMT-Cachan, the laboratory was originally supervised by ENS-Cachan (which became ENS Paris-Saclay in 2017) and the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC). In 2013, with the withdrawal of UPMC, the LMT-Cachan became LMT.
The LMT-Cachan/LMT has been directed successively by Jean LEMAITRE (1975-1980), Pierre LADEVEZE (1981-1984), Mircea PREDELEANU (1985-1992), Giuseppe GEYMONAT (1993-1996), Pierre LADEVEZE (1997-2005), Olivier ALLIX (2006-2009), Ahmed BENALLAL (2010-2013), Frédéric RAGUENEAU (2014-2019) and Pierre-Alain BOUCARD (2020-2021)
The MSSMat
The MSSMat was created in 1969 under the name of LMS (Laboratoire de Mécanique des Sol), under the supervision of CenteraleSupélec. In 1987, the LMS merged with the Laboratoire d'Étude des Matériaux to become the MSSMat.
The LMS/MSSMat has been directed by Jean BIAREZ (1969-1993), Philippe BOMPARD (1994-2003), Denis AUBRY (2003-2006), Jean-Maris FLEUREAU (2006-2009), Hachmi BEN DHIA (2010-2015), Damien DURVILLE (2016-2019) and Véronique AUBIN (2020-2021)