Endroit CentraleSupélec - Bâtiment Eiffel - Bureau MI.201
Equipe OMEIR, Centre de simulation
Filippo GATTI
Maître de conférences
Responsable de l'opération de recherche OR3 Jumeaux hybrides : simulation, apprentissage
Statut : Enseignant·e-chercheur·se
Research interests
- Computational Earthquake Engineering
- Applied AI to wave propagation
- Keynote lecture: Generative strategies to empower physics-based
wave propagation with deep learning. 102nd Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (JLG) & EFEHR Scientific Session 2024. Luxembourg, 27-29/11/2024 - Bridging Machine learning and Physics-Based numerical methods: experiments in engineering seismology and NDT (presented at Journée des Afliés du LMPS - 18 Novembre 2022, ENS Paris-Saclay).
- ANR COLUMBO meeting 2023 - WP Machine learning for NDT.
- Generative strategies to empower physics-based wave propagation with deep learning. Applications to earthquake engineering and structural health monitoring (Presented at Journées Institut SEISM 2023, at the weekly seminar at Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, on 14 March 2024 and at ECCOMAS 2024 - MS164C Digital Twins for Predictive Decision-Making of Engineering Systems III).
- Keynote lecture: Generative strategies to empower physics-based
Slideshow "Jumeaux Numériques et Smart Constructions" Mastère Spécialisé® Aménager et Construire pour la Transition Écologique.