RO2 : Nanocomposites, energy recovery, transport and storage
This research operation covers the complete chain of synthesis, characterisation and modelling of multi-scale and multiphysics composite materials. We establish a permanent dialogue between the experimental route and modelling.
In this context, we call upon external collaborations in order to take into account these nanometric effects and the inherent physico-chemical phenomena, at the relevant scale, at the interface or in the volume. The objective is to obtain high-performance materials sought after by industry, in order to meet the growing demand in terms of mechanical properties and other functionalities. Hybrid reinforcements (nanorenforces combined with long microfibres or microparticles) are a very efficient way to achieve this objective.
The three aspects dealt with are :
- Optimisation by multi-scale and multi-physics approaches and the development of a green CVD process for the fabrication of hybrid reinforcements, as well as for the surface treatment by thin film deposition (controlled synthesis and zero emission of hazardous products). In particular, laser optical diagnostics (LII, LIBS, LIF etc.) and mass spectrometry and gas chromatography have been implemented to study the dynamic phenomena of the process.
- Energy recovery, transport and storage for either low power systems such as (micro) sensors or high power systems. Energy resources for conversion can come from waves (perpetual motion), tyre rolling, seat compaction, or ambient vibrations (flagship NanoVIBES). In addition to the mechanical design and dimensioning of devices, we focus on the preparation, characterisation and modelling of innovative and multifunctional materials for tribo-, thermo- or piezoelectricity and transport in a Cu/graphene composite. Dielectric polymer/copolymer thin films for capacitors are investigated with a focus on meeting industry requirements.
- Integrated solutions for multi-scale and multifunctional composites with high safety and performance. The applications envisaged are: a) Structural composites (fuselage, wings, etc.) and conductive paints (lightning protection, static electricity); b) New composite materials absorbing electromagnetic waves (radar stealth); c) Electromagnetic shielding materials (EMC).
Equipe MILA
Jinbo BAI
Directeur de recherche
Responsable de l'opération de recherche Nanocomposites, récupération et stockage de lénergie électrique