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The LMPS is attached to two Graduate Schools
The LMPS is attached to two teaching and research departments (DER) of ENS Paris-Saclay and one department of CentraleSupélec in the field of engineering science.
The vast majority of LMPS doctoral students are enrolled in the SMEMAG doctoral school.
The LMPS is strongly involved in training through research, through four courses in the second year of the M2 Master's degree at the University of Paris-Saclay.
Research Group "Differential Geometry and Mechanics"
Research Group "Nanofilled Polymers - Multifunctional Materials"
Research Group "Ceramic Matrix Composites: Design, Modelling, Characterisation"
International Research and Training Group "Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions"
Contracted research laboratory "Pole of Research and Studies on the Vulnerability of Infrastructures"
Joint laboratory "Composite Innovation Openlab"