Showing results 1 to 10 on 22 in total
The Experimentation and Development Center brings together the resources dedicated to experimental research at the LMPS.
Created in 1999, the Affiliates' Club has become a privileged exchange forum for Research & Development actors
The research work carried out at the LMPS is carried out in close collaboration with numerous players in the world of research and industry.
The LMPS is attached to 9 associations.
The Simulation Centre (CDS) consists of 7 people and is organised into 2 divisions: Administration & Networks Division and Development Division.
The Financial Management and Administration Centre (CDG) consists of the Administrative and Financial Officer and 6 managers.
Research Group "Differential Geometry and Mechanics"
Research Group "Nanofilled Polymers - Multifunctional Materials"
Research Group "Ceramic Matrix Composites: Design, Modelling, Characterisation"