Showing results 1 to 10 on 24 in total
The Experimentation and Development Center brings together the resources dedicated to experimental research at the LMPS.
The Simulation Centre (CDS) consists of 7 people and is organised into 2 divisions: Administration & Networks Division and Development Division.
The Financial Management and Administration Centre (CDG) consists of the Administrative and Financial Officer and 6 managers.
Research Group "Differential Geometry and Mechanics"
Research Group "Nanofilled Polymers - Multifunctional Materials"
Research Group "Ceramic Matrix Composites: Design, Modelling, Characterisation"
International Research and Training Group "Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions"
Contracted research laboratory "Pole of Research and Studies on the Vulnerability of Infrastructures"
Joint laboratory "Composite Innovation Openlab"
Joint Laboratory "Eco-Efficient Cement Materials"