Showing results 1 to 10 on 13 in total
The Experimentation and Development Center brings together the resources dedicated to experimental research at the LMPS.
The LMPS is attached to two Graduate Schools
The LMPS is attached to two teaching and research departments (DER) of ENS Paris-Saclay and one department of CentraleSupélec in the field of engineering science.
The vast majority of LMPS doctoral students are enrolled in the SMEMAG doctoral school.
The LMPS is strongly involved in training through research, through four courses in the second year of the M2 Master's degree at the University of Paris-Saclay.
The Simulation Centre (CDS) consists of 7 people and is organised into 2 divisions: Administration & Networks Division and Development Division.
The Financial Management and Administration Centre (CDG) consists of the Administrative and Financial Officer and 6 managers.
All the news, awards and distinctions of the LMPS.
All seminars, thesis defences and HDRs, both current and future, of the LMPS.