Created in 2019, the mission of the GDR (CMC)2 is to develop links and stimulate collaborations between the various actors in the world of ceramic matrix composites (CMC), whether they are industrial or academic.
The associated societal challenges are :
- To manufacture CMCs cheaper and faster, in order to ensure competitiveness with more traditional materials (metals for example).
- Innovate to improve structure, properties and manufacturing processes. Develop new material and process concepts.
- Certify the performance of CMCs under their conditions of use and their host systems
The scientific objectives of the GDR are :
- Optimise materials and processes:
- To elucidate the physico-chemical phenomena at work during manufacturing using an experimental approach,
- Efficiently model these processes to optimise them.
- Develop a virtual material strategy.
- Choose, use and/or develop relevant structural characterisation techniques.
- To know the behaviour of CMCs under mechanical, thermal and chemical stresses, coupled or not
- Have realistic and appropriate behavioural models.
- Integrate CMCs into their systems

MILA team
Research Director
Head of the Fibrous Reinforcements and Composites Applications research operation